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                    Don’t face a Reckless Driving Violation alone!

     A Reckless Driving citation in Nevada is nothing to sweep under the rug.  While it is a very serious charge, ignored, it will go to warrant and you risk the chance of being arrested.  Court fines for Reckless Driving can be in excess of $1,000.00. In some cases, a Reckless Driving citation will be issued if an officer was called to the scene of a traffic accident.  If you were in a traffic accident and were in violation of Reckless Driving or received any other citation, call The Ticket Angel now.  You don’t want to go to court alone!  If you received a DUI or DWI, your citation can be reduced to a Reckless Driving offense.    In most cases, a Reckless Driving citation will be reduced; however court fines will still be issued by the court.  In these cases, you can keep your clean driving record, be confident your insurance premiums will not be affected, and you won’t have to go to traffic school.


     If you do not handle a Reckless Driving citation immediately, it will go to warrant.  You then run the risk of being arrested.



  Don’t Hesitate!  Jail Can Wait!

   (702) 222 - 0007

 Best Ticket-Fixer

The Ticket Angel is a division of The Law Offices of Kristina Wildeveld.
*Please note that you are not considered a client of The Ticket Angel until you have signed a written agreement
and your case has been accepted. Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to
any future matter. Your information will be processed and confirmed by an email or
phone call to you, within 24 business hours.
**Citations in Outerlying Counties and Districts are priced separately as they sometimes require an in-person
appearance by the attorney and/or additional forms  contact for adjudication.
The Ticket Angel; a division of 
The Law Offices of Kristina Wildeveld
550 E. Charleston Blvd. Suite B. Las Vegas, NV 89104
P: (702) 222 - 0021
F: (702) 222 - 0001

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